February 27, 2018

Comfort Words

Another episodes when a stranger can understand my point of view and kinda telling me that it was not my fault by saying "he was not ready" for the second time.

Another comfort feeling was being offered to me by a beautiful stranger ..

February 25, 2018

A Beautiful Stranger

Dia, yang dulu gue tau namanya hanya dari group di sosial media yang gue ikuti ..
Dia, yang selalu komen-komen lucu atas postingan di group itu ..
Dia, yang kemudian gue add untuk jadi temen gue di suatu sosial media ..
Dia, yang akhirnya kadang-kadang jadi temen ngobrol sebelum tidur ..
Dia, yang selalu menyapa gue dengan kata "Eh.." dan gue enjoy dengan sebutan itu ..
Dia, yang bisa sangat mengerti keadaan gue.. Karena dia sudah mengalaminya lebih dulu..

I wanna keep it that way, I don't want to know more about him and else .. 
I love the way it is now, a beautiful person with all he had.
A beautiful stranger that comfort me ..

February 6, 2018


Life is what we make it
It cares not what we do

No matter how we fake it
it always sees right through

If you try and lead it
It pushes from behind

If you try and read it
It soon will make you blind

Jut let it free take you
Enjoy life's carefree ride

And know it won't forsake you
If you walk right by its side   ..... Life Happens ~ Jim Ellis.