February 24, 2012

Crying at the office ??... Not my 1st time..

Buat orang yang tidak tahu apa2 tentang diri gue dan bagaimana gue menghadapi suatu masalah, and cuma melihat endingnya aja, tears on my face.. Gak bisa disalahin kalo orang akan berpikir kalo gue cengeng..
Gpp kok, terserah kalian mau menyebut gue apa dan terserah kalian kalo apa yang kalian dengar atau lihat itu kemudian kalian jadikan bahan gosip dan akhirnya jadi menilai orang by it's cover..

- im not that thin
- im not that weak
- its not easy for me to put tears on my face

Tapi kenapa kemarin sampai kejadian... #sigh, it's been too long guys, wish you only knew. I'm just human, the hardest rock even can be break by a drop of water, lah trus gue ???

And yes, its not my 1st time.. At least you know that, i am a normal girl who could get hurt and can get tears on my face.. 
I can smile and cheer up in front of you, but when i'm alone by my self, i'm just me, a tiny human being in the universe..

Me, who still has tears and sadness..

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